One-in-ten Americans struggle with diabetes. In the United States, diabetes medical care and management contributes to over $327 billion in costs, impacting society through costly medical expenses, economic productivity loss, increased mortality, and a reduced quality of life. Coupled with limited access to healthcare, rural areas are hit especially hard and experience a 17% higher prevalence in diabetes.
Chronic disease increases risk factors for more ailments, and a diabetes diagnosis opens the door for cardiovascular disease, obesity, and mental health complications. By examining the factors that contribute to both the development (pre-Diabetes) and progression in severity of the disease, medical and lifestyle adherence are key factors in managing diabetes and reducing associated costs of treatment. As a result, the symptoms and risk factors of other chronic diseases can not only be reduced, but have potential to be eliminated entirely.
A significant barrier to effective treatment adherence is the prevalence of depression in individuals dealing with chronic illness. Depressive symptoms affect one-third of individuals with diabetes and present a major clinical challenge as both conditions are worsened when coupled. An increased cost in healthcare expenses to manage diabetes and depression is not an indicator of how effective a treatment is, which is why it is crucial to focus on the proactive aspects of care that reduce long-term costs. Interventions such as screening, treatment adherence, and lifestyle management are all tenants of behavioral health and have been successful in managing and treating disease through engagement with proven programs.
The most effective clinical outcomes are a result of multidisciplinary approaches to the identification and treatment of depression. By employing a range of interventions that are focused on personalizing a patient’s journey, there is an opportunity to reduce cost by augmenting existing efforts.
Enter Cass
Cass is a clinically proven technology solution focused on proactive care and disease management. It combines AI-based text messaging, which is highly engaging compared to phone or email, to assist patients with:
By providing an on-demand solution that can employ proven psychological practices, Cass bridges a profound gap between clinical effectiveness and utilization savings. As the demand for sustainable healthcare increases and is vastly lacking in remote areas around the globe, AI technology is an incredibly scalable solution requiring virtually no staff to scale to additional patients and program participants. Cass reduces barriers to care and as a result, decreases the burden of expensive medical costs.
Cost Savings through AI
To effectively manage a chronic condition, a network of healthcare providers, resources, and coordination are involved in disease management. In this support ecosystem, Cass is a highly effective tool which not only serves as the center of coordination and driving engagement for the moving parts in a patient's journey, but plays a proven hand in symptom reduction.
Through peer reviewed research, Cass is scientifically proven to reduce anxiety by 18% and depression by 28%. A significant cost savings is correlated to mental health improvements, impacting the well-being and cost for chronic diabetes sufferers.
Cass’ Value
With one in ten individuals suffering from diabetes, one third of these individuals with diabetes experience some form of depression– whether it is unrecognized, asymptomatic or symptomatic. Cass has been shown to provide 24% of chatters with the same level of symptom reduction as if they were undergoing therapy, reducing their depression symptoms and thus improving their wellness and reducing the costs of their chronic disease.
Cass reduces the overall cost of care by reducing the number of therapy sessions needed to see symptom reduction. By reducing the symptoms of depression and improving the overall well being of a patient, Cass can reduce the costs of their chronic disease.
When put in the hands of professionals looking to optimize their approach for care, Cass fills the gaps in support to attain effective patient outcomes, and reduces the cost and the human toll of chronic diseases.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2020. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services; 2020.
Holt, R. I., de Groot, M., & Golden, S. H. (2014). Diabetes and depression. Current diabetes reports, 14(6), 491.
Over 12 published peer reviewed studies, and white-papers. (n.d.).